3️⃣ Three Top Posts on AI in Education

Estimated Read Time: 0 min 47 sec

Teach with expert insights on AI, curated by your trusty Teacher’s AIde

Welcome back to Teacher's AIed! This is a bit of an atypical post - a bit like an early dismissal day on a random Tuesday for no apparent reason.

Created by DALLE

We recently had quite a few people join our Teacher’s AIed community, which is made up of hundreds of educators and education professionals passionate about AI in K-12 Education!

I want to take a quick pause in our AI Literacy series to share a few of our most read posts from our Teachers AIed archive for our new readers.

You can find these, and all of our previous posts at aithena.ai.

That’s all for today. We will be back on Thursday with the second-to-last installment of our AI Literacy series!

Class dismissed!

Lewis Poche & Kourtney Bradshaw-Clay


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